Small business events showcase opportunities at JFK T8
JFK T8 Partners looking to partner with local, diverse businesses
First construction outreach virtual session scheduled for July 27
First concessions outreach virtual session scheduled for Aug. 1
As part of the $125 million commercial redevelopment for Terminal 8 at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), JFK T8 Partners, the Unbail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) Airports-led team, is looking to partner with local, minority-owned businesses for construction and concessions opportunities.
URW and its partners will be holding ongoing information sessions for construction and concessions. The first four of these events are scheduled for late July and early August.
The project is expected to bring more than 60 new shopping and restaurant offerings to the terminal. With an emphasis on locally owned and diverse businesses that will create economic opportunities for the community, the new program will showcase New York’s world-renowned culinary scene and establish a unique sense of place for travelers.
Engaging the small business community throughout this project and beyond—particularly local, women, and minority-owned businesses—is a huge priority across the redevelopment and beyond,” said Lynden Scott, URW General Manager, JFK T8. “We are excited about the new opportunities being created and we are committed to engaging with and helping build capacity among those entrepreneurs and small businesses who are looking to enter and find success in the airport space.”
URW is committed to lowering the barriers to entry to ensure its programs reflect the rich diversity of its communities, create strong career paths for local people and students and foster impactful partnerships with local organizations.
“As one of the members of the JFK Redevelopment Community Advisory Council and a driver of MWBE accessibility to projects large and small, we are thrilled with the opportunity to help assist URW on the concessions at JFK Terminal 8,” said Thomas J. Grech, President & CEO, Queens Chamber of Commerce. “The efforts to engage local Queens businesses will be transformative in the years to come.”
The commitment to diversity starts with the JFK T8 Partners team. Phoenix Infrastructure Group, a minority-owned, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)-certified investment firm, makes up 30% ownership. The program diversity goals also reflect the true engagement. Its goal, in line with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, is 30 percent M/WBE participation in the design and construction of concession spaces and 30 percent Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) for concession operations
Concessions and construction outreach events will be held on an ongoing basis. More information on these sessions and other JFK updates can be found here.
Upcoming information sessions
Virtual Event: Intro to Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Opportunities
July 27, 2023 | 12-1 p.m. ET
Who Should Attend: Firms in architecture, design, engineering, and/or construction trade subcontractors interested in contracting opportunities that will become available at T8.
What to Expect: Meet the team, learn about the redevelopment project, and discover the types of opportunities across the 24-month redevelopment at this informational session.
Virtual Event: Introduction to Airport Concessions Opportunities
August 1, 2023 | 6-7 p.m. ET
Who Should Attend: Prospective businesses & entrepreneurs interested in upcoming retail, food & beverage and/or retail product opportunities at T8.
What to Expect: Meet the team, learn about the redevelopment project, and discover the types of opportunities and what prospective businesses can do now to prepare.
Virtual Event: Preview of Holt Construction Packages #1 and #2
August 3, 2023 | 12-1 p.m. ET
Who Should Attend: Construction trade subcontractors interested in upcoming bidding opportunities at T8 through Holt Construction.
What to Expect: Discover the specific subcontracting opportunities through Holt Construction Packages #1 & #2 and learn about the bidding process and how to prepare.
Virtual Event: Learn How to Pre-Qualify with Holt Construction
August 10, 2023 | 6-7 p.m. ET
Who Should Attend: Construction trade subcontractors interested in learning how to pre-qualify with Holt Construction in order to bid on upcoming subcontracting opportunities at T8.
What to Expect: Members of the Holt team will explain Holt’s pre-qualification process and steps for success to help prospective bidders prepare now for upcoming opportunities at T8.